Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dr. Quack

So today was a rough day.
It all started with a morning of endless wardrobe changes before finally settling on something I started with. Then I awoke my 4 year old with my sweet rendition of You are My Sunshine, as I usually do, only to have her cry hysterically because she wanted to me to sing Little Bunny Foo Foo instead, followed by uncontrollable whining because her leg was asleep. If you are a momma, you can understand where I am coming from here! Patience is a virtue and ohhh was mine being tested.
My day at work was filled with dismantling displays and packing samples into a box truck to get ready for a home builder show I am working this weekend. While there was plenty of help from some of my male co-workers, I just could not get it together today.
This was just one of those days were I have a severe case of nausea that I just can not shake. As my day progressed, so did my nausea. In addition, my head hurt so bad that I took enough medication that it should have put a quarter horse down. However, I saw no relief.
But what I really want to share with you is the phone call I received. It was in reference to "Dr. Quack."
For those of you that do not know, that is my previous neurologist. See back in August I filed a formal complaint against him with the state Board of Medical Examiners. My complaint went something like this:
Dear ABME,
Dr. Quack has treated me for the last 3 years. Over this time frame he has poked, scanned, shocked, drugged and re-poked me. He has given me medication that has caused my condition to worsen, cyst to grow and pressure to increase rapidly. All of this resulted in an exotic 7 day 6 night stay in my local hospital, where he came to visit me without authorization and a turkey thermometer in hand. Upon his arrival smelling intoxicated, he sneaked past nurses station, came into my suite and re-poked me. When he attempted to remove the turkey thermometer he yanked it out of my spine, screamed at nurse who busted him and threw the needle on floor. Then left room to never be seen again. His negligence caused a series of events including, seizures, raised blood pressure, swelling of entire body (internally and externally), liver to swell, loss of feeling in legs and feet and a few other unmentionable side effects, as well as a transfer to a larger hospital via my own personal ambulance.
Therefore, I think Dr. Quack should be questioned in regards to his methods of treatment.
Thank you for you time,
Upset patient with brain dysfunction

So.... this well written complaint warented my own case worker and board of investigators. While I have spoken with them quite a few times, prior to today, they were calling me today to let me know they interviewed him yesterday with my letter and records in hand. Great news!! What happened??
Well, I don't know because they will not tell me what he said and I will not be privileged to any paperwork submitted by him as a rebuttal. What???????? Then why did they call??
"Courtesy call mam, to let you know we are on top of your complaint."
Ok... thanks, I guess. Glad your on top of it.
The case worker did tell me that when the investigation is complete, in 6 months or so, the will send me a written response. I asked them how many times was this doctor allowed to continue to do this ( he already has several other complaints filled against him, as well as he has been fined and license previously suspended) and I was told there are no set guidelines in my state and each complaint is evaluated on a case by case basis.
Is that crazy or what?? No set guidelines?? Does this mean that that anyone can get a Internet doctorate diploma in my state to practice medicine? Furthermore, in the area dealing with the brain and central nervous system are there not supposed to be stricter guidelines? Guess not!!!
So for tonight my prayer will be that those who are still under the care of Dr Quack come to their senses and seek out other options.
In case you are wondering, I have a awesome new neurologist who has even practiced on a pig spine before giving me a specific type of nerve block to the brain, to ensure he was doing the procedure correctly.  He is extreamly intelligent and is familiar with my rare condition.

Praise God for the blessing in disguise!!

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