Monday, July 25, 2011

Three Weeks Post - OP

It has been almost 3 weeks since my shunt surgery and so far everything is "going way better than anticipated". The bruises are slowly fading, incisions are healing and the pressure in my head is starting to stabilize. There are a few new things I am going to have to get used to, such as the feeling of the tube draining the CSF into my stomach and the control valve bulging out of my back, but overall it is a small price to pay if it ultimately does what it is intended to do.

My neurosurgeon was absolutely amazed at my progress when I visited him last week for my post-op visit. He said my incisions were healing wonderfully, my bruising was minimal ( glad he thinks so) and all of the swelling will eventually go down. This was all music to my ears - especially the swelling since I have yet to be able to squeeze back into anything that does not have an elastic waistband. But more importantly than all of that - THE SHUNT SEEMS TO BE WORKING!!!!!!

While, yes, I do still have headaches they are not crippling. My head does not feel as if it is going to self combust at a moments notice. My eyes do not feel as if they are going to blow out of my head and my ears have finally "popped" back. I can hear! Yippee!! All great news!

Dr. M told me while he was amazed at my progress, especially given the fact that they had originally thought I would be down several weeks and after 2 weeks  he released me to "light" duty, he was not surprised. Apparently he has become well aware of my stubbornness and has learned that it is going to take alot more than a little brain or shunt surgery to keep me down!

While I would like to think I have gotten through this last few weeks all on my own, I know better. I know it is by the Grace of God that I have gotten this far. He was there guiding Dr. M on 7/7 @ 7, He was there lifting me up when I felt weak and He was there when I felt like I could not go on any further. But most importantly - He was there because all of you lifted me up in prayer and asked!

"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20

I can affirm that I know I would not be this far in my recovery if I did not have all of you in my life. For that I am eternally grateful!!

To all of you who have called / text and checked in on me - THANK YOU!!
To all of you who have sent cards - THANK YOU!!
To all of you who have unexpectedly dropped off a hot delicious meal - THANK YOU!!
To all of you who have picked up / dropped off / kept my kids - THANK YOU!!
To my sweet "K" who has stepped up and been such a huge help - THANK YOU!!
and To my parents who have been here every step of the way the last few weeks making sure me and my girls had everything we could possibly need - THANK YOU!!!

May God continue to bless all of you as you have blessed me!

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