Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Surgery

First things first........THANK YOU to each and everyone of you who said a prayer for me the morning of my surgery. I will never be able to put into words the overwhelming sense of peace I had that morning knowing that I had so many of my friends, family and even strangers all praying for a successful surgery!!

I arrived at the hospital, a little nervous, at 6:00 a.m. as instructed with my husband and my sweet "K" in tow. Immediately upon my arrival I came face to face with a 19 year old boy who was also set to have surgery. This young man had been driving over 90 mph and drinking when he wrapped his car around a tree. He had rods and pins sticking out of his left leg and was getting ready for his 3rd surgery. As we waited in registration I could not help but think about what him and his family must be going through. As I prayed for God's hand to be with him and his doctors that morning and the days to come, I realized how blessed I am.

They called me back to begin the prep pretty quickly and it was not long before JB came for a group prayer and I was saying my goodbyes to my sweet family. I was even blessed by a visit from 2 strangers, who were nurses and had seen the prayer request on FB, prior to being whisked away.  The last thing I remember is the very kind anesthesiologist saying he was going to give me something to help me relax and they would be putting me to sleep soon. 
When I awoke in recovery, I was in alot of pain. As I opened my eyes, my first thought was what had they done to my stomach because it felt like they had taken a skill saw to my abdomen. It wasn't long though and the recovery nurse was giving me something for pain and I dosed back off. The recovery room, however, is not a place to rest. It is filled with nurses running about and patients being wheeled in and out from various surgeries. I must say though, I commend all of you who work in this profession because some of what I saw and heard was not easy to swallow and the nurses there handled each and everyone of the patients with grace.
It was several hours before I was moved upstairs to a room but the recovery nurses allowed me to see all of my family, who had been waiting ever so patiently for the outcome.
According to Dr. M, everything went "perfectly and better than expected"!! (I think alot of it had to do with all of your prayers) The surgery itself took less time than expected, he was able to get the shunt in with no problems and was confident that I should have a far less expected recovery time than initially thought. PRAISE GOD!!
He did tell me later that he had to physically move a few muscles around in my abdomen and thread the catheter from my stomach to back with a metal rod, so some bruising and tenderness would be expected. But all in all everything looked good. He wanted me to get up and move around, as tolerated, as this would speed up the recovery process. What? No lying flat for 10 days?? This WAS good news :)
The first few days following the surgery I was in a severe amount of pain. But the good news is that it is incision related and not severe pain from my head. Yippee - maybe the shunt is working.!!
I have been having low pressure headaches but they are more uncomfortable than painful and nothing in comparison to what they were like prior to last week. My legs and hips hurt really bad upon standing, but I am told this is from the swelling of the nerves around my spine and should go away in a few days. My stomach is still real swollen (I do not foresee putting pants on anytime soon) and I am very tired. But I am not vomiting upon standing, no ringing in my ears and my head feels better than it has in years!!
I have yet to be able to stay upright for longer than a few hours and I am still spending more time in the bed than out, but I think alot of this is what you would expect with ANY surgery.
 I am hoping that another week of resting and taking it easy and I will be able to begin to resume somewhat of  "normal" activity.
So for now, I am praising God that everything went better than initially expected and I am looking forward to whatever  tomorrow might hold!!

Many Blessing,

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