Monday, January 31, 2011

What a Day!!!

So today was my first day back at work in almost (2) weeks, well since the whole needle jabbing incident, and let me tell you it was quite the day. I awake to the normal scene from The Exorcism, rush to shower, get dressed, pack lunches, iron clothes, get children dressed, throw dinner in crock pot, drop girls at school and race to be at work 20 min away - all by 7:30.
Whew.... I made it and only 3 minutes late!
I arrive to a desk full of sticky notes, folders with notes, phone calls to return and lots of e-mails to sort through. Not to mention, this weekend I am setting up for and working a home builder show and I still had so much to do to get ready.
It's OK, deep breaths, I can do this.  I try to ignore my agonizing pounding head and focus on work. My greatest and best distraction from real "life". Each day I try to arrive and leave all of my "baggage" at the front door and pick it back up on my way out, but it does not always work out that way.
By lunch time, I was already thinking this had to be the longest day EVER! I had already returned several calls, filtered through my long list of e-mails, sent out a few quotes, lined up help for this weekend, reserved a truck, placed a few orders, researched and found some very expensive mosaics for a decorator friend of mine and was threatened by a customer. (Well technically she told me she was "holy" and if we did not install her carpet tomorrow she would come down here and spank me - in a "holy" manner. Is that possible???)
As you can probably imagine by now my bruised and aching back was killing me and my head was not just pounding, there was little man stuck somewhere in there running a jackhammer at full throttle and he was not letting up.
That's when the real fun began!
I got a call from the preschool of my little one. "A" woke up from nap burning up with a fever and she needed picked up. Are you kidding me? God- Really?
Don't get me wrong, it pains me more than anything to see my children sick. They are so pitiful and I feel so helpless. But today? It not even the end of January and I have almost already used up a full years worth of sick and vacation time. My boss is going to kill me!!! (Actually my boss is a terrific man who is very supportive and compassionate to my circumstances.)
The good news is, someone else may be getting the spanking tomorrow because chances are I won't be there.
So off I go, rushing out the door to get my sick baby. Man was I right, she looks pitiful. I wrap her in my arms, kiss her sweet little head and put her in the car. This is where she informs me that she can not touch ANYTHING, so I will need to get her what ever she may need or want, because she will get everyone else sick. I am guessing this is her interpretation of something one of her teachers may have told her. Either way, I was ready and willing to get that pathetic looking sweet face whatever she needed.
Since her pediatrician could not see her today I decided to take her to the local walk-in clinic. But first, since I was not sure how long it might take, I needed to run home and grab "K" who was about to be getting out of school.
So by 4:30, we are now sitting at the pharmacy waiting for prescriptions, grabbing some Motrin (since I can not remember how much we have at home) and stocking up on pedialite.
By 7:30 baths and supper are done, the little one has her medicine and is tucked tightly in bed, for the moment.
It's funny how regardless of how I feel or what's going on with me, if one of my girls needs me everything else becomes irrelevant as I go into Gestapo mode to make sure they are taken care of, often neglecting my own needs.
As I sit here typing, replaying today over I realize that ultimately today, as with any day, was God's will. He is in control and maybe this was His way of showing me, I am not superwomen. I can not do it all and I definitely need to full heartily put my trust in Him. Not just when it's convenient for me but all of the time.
So lesson for today: I will let God continue to be my Pilot and I will put my trust in Him knowing that He will not leave me searching for the auto-pilot switch!


  1. Jessica, just got done catching up on all your posts. You are such an amazing woman and I am so glad tht I know you. I hope A gets better quickly. You are such an inspirational awesome writer. Thank you for taking the time to do this in your busy schedule. love you! - Amber

  2. "I will let God continue to be my Pilot and I will put my trust in Him knowing that He will not leave me searching for the auto-pilot switch!"

    Thank you for those words of wisdom I really needed to hear that today :)
    You amaze me!!!
    Luv u,

  3. Amanda,
    You also amaze me! I do not know how you do what you do. It takes a special person to raise 4 children who are as wonderful as yours!!
    Love you and miss you lots!!

  4. Amber,
    Thank you for the encouraging words. A is doing much better, thanks!
    I am still trying to figure out this blogging thing but I am enjoying it as I go :)
